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Municipal Broadband Concept

When discussing lack of broadband rollout, the so-called white spots, it is often referred to the fact that "classical" network operators are not rolling out their networks in certain areas because it is not commercially viable. This results in under-covered or uncovered areas especially in rural areas which again has negative economic consequences for the concerned regions.

SBR-net Consulting AG has for a long time been working on the relevant technical, commercial and legal topics which are of relevance for a municipality when realising broadband networks. Starting out from information to local communities and feasibility studies also more detailed work is provided concerning project management, state aid support, business case development etc. SBR-net Consulting AG has a complete concept for municipalities and regionns that wish to develop a broadband masterplan and to rollout such networks.

The following topics and aspects are thereby being analysed by SBR-net Consulting AG and its experts:

  • Analysis of the social and economic environment
  • Demand analysis
  • Infrastructure analysis
  • Technology analysis
  • Network rollout and cost analysis
  • Analysis of cost reductions
  • Financing
  • Co-Operation
  • Legal issues and Regulation