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Real Estate and Construction Business

The real estate sector and also construction companies are increasingly becoming key players in the broadband markets which can also substantially improve the situation concerning broadband access networks. The real estate business is able to improve the situation concerning the provision of modern communication networks and services.

Thereby, this industry sector is not limited to conduct investment in network infrastructure for in-house networks and to provide services, it can itself become quite active and implement the provisions of the EU Cost Reduction Directive when new developments and new housing areas are being constructed and the relevant infrastructure is deployed.

A co-operative effort between the real estate sector, the construction sector and the telecommunication sector as well as potentially further utility sectors will allow to improve the provision of modern communications and multimedia services such as internet access, e‑services, e‑health, education and public administration as well as video services.

With the increasing digitisation, the interdependency between telecommunications sectors and other industry sectors are becoming more and more relevant and also have an impact on the real estate and construction sector.

SBR-net Consulting AG is working with a large number of companies in this area in order to see to which extent they can play a more important and accelerating role for the rollout of broadband networks.

In the following areas we have identified opportunities for optimization for the real estate and housing sector:

  • Deployment of active and passive (fiber) infrastructure for the supply of broadband Networks and services.
  • Business modelling for the supply of dedicated communication services to tenants and owners .
  • Support for negotiations with external suppliers for an optimized provision of networks and services .
  • Compliance with legal requirements from the Telecom Act.