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The availability of broadband access networks is a key economic factor for success for the population and for the local commercial environmet. A growing portion of utilities are regarded as key players that can substantially improve broadband availability by investing in such networks.

Why utilities?

Utilities are often providers of networks and services where the market does not function properly. In many countries there is a very reluctant approach to investment in broadband networks and utilities can play a crucial role in improving the situation and to support the market in a sustainable manner. Aspects of relevance are:

  • The capabilities for the rollout of networks
  • Long-term expectations in terms of return of investment and possibilities to finance network rollout
  • Access to significant customer numbers
  • Knowledge about local and regional markets

SBR-net Consulting AG supports you concerning the rollout of your network.

The telecommunications market demonstrates strong dynamics and also has a number of unique features. It is necessary to analyse those and to take the right strategic decisions. You can rely on SBR-net Consulting AG's expertise in the following areas:

  • Feasibilities studies
  • Strategic advice
  • Technical assessment
  • Business case
  • Project management
  • Financing and state aid

Due to the large number of projects especially in supporting utilities in rural areas SBR-net Consulting AG has an outstanding expertise concerning the relevant questions in these fields. The experienced employees of SBR-net Consulting AG have been supporting such projects for broadband rollout by utilities in Germany and Austria for many years.