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SBR-net Consulting AG is supporting clients with the development and submission of state aid applications in Germany and Austria for broadband rollout.
The requirements and the know-how for working on the documents that are required, often exceed resources available in municipal administrations and infrastructure companies / utilities which are determined to conduct the network deployment. Here, the experts of SBR-net Consulting AG offer focused and individual support for state aid applications.
The consultancy services range from the conceptional network planning, the support with the financial calculations, the development of texts for the submission as well as checks and control to fulfil the formal requirements and deadlines. It also encompasses documentation after completed network rollout
The services are focused on public administration, municipalities or regional joint activities as well as towards network operators or other infrastructure owners which are interested in receiving public financing for broadband rollout.
In case you would like to know more about SBR-net Consulting Services for state aid applications you can contact SBR-net Consulting for a personal meeting via E-Mail: vertrieb-ät-sbr-net.com or by telephone: +43 1 513 514 080